Seminars and retreats provide women with tools for ongoing personal healing, recognizing and celebrating God’s grace in their lives and responding confidently and effectively to the needs of others in their families, congregations and communities.
As women we rarely have the opportunity to reflect on our own life journeys. Come, join others as we go deeper with Sister Care core teachings and grow in our ability to:
· See ourselves as God sees us and know we are truly beloved.
· Recognize some of the tools that help people heal from deep wounds.
· Clarify how we want to use the rest of our one precious life so that we spend our time and energy in ways that grow out of and fulfill our life calling and mission.
· Discern ways to set personal limits in order to embrace God’s purpose for our lives.
· Identify wounds from the past that still need God’s healing touch and learn ways to transform these wounds into life-giving energy.
· Learn ways to recognize the frozen grief of ambiguous loss.
· Recognize and celebrate God’s grace and love in our lives.

Sister Care North America
Sister Care seminars have been taught throughout the United States and Canada for over 3,500 women.
Interested in scheduling a Sister Care seminar in your area? Contact Cyneatha Millsaps at cyneatham@mwusa.org or email office@mwusa.org.

Sister Care International
Sister Care seminars have been taught internationally in 19 countries in Central and South America, Asia, Africa, and Europe for over 1,400 women leaders. Following their training, women have taught the material to thousands more in an additional 13 countries.
Upcoming, Sister Care is scheduled to be in Cuba in March, 2024 and Mongolia at the end of September 2024.
For more information or to schedule a Sister Care International seminar, contact Rhoda Keener at rhodak@mwusa.org or call 717-532-9723 or email office@mwusa.org.
Sister Care International has partnered with Mennonite Mission Network, Eastern Mennonite Missions, Mennonite Central Committee, Mennonite Church Canada Missions, Anabaptist Learning Center in South Korea, and Virginia Mennonite Missions. Primary funding has come from United Service Foundation, Schowalter Foundation, and designated gifts from individual donors. Sister Care International is a ministry of Mennonite Women USA.
Sister Care Manual
The Sister Care: Equipping Women for Healing Ministry manual written by Carolyn Heggen, psychotherapist specializing in trauma healing, with Rhoda Keener, Sister Care Director for Mennonite Women USA, is available in 20 languages: English, Spanish, Kek’chi, Portuguese, French, Swahili, Hindi, Tamil, Bangla, Nepali, Telegu, Indonesian, Korean, Kinyarwanda, Thai, Ukrainian, Russian, Marathi, Vietnamese, and Hmong.

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Ministry Details (link coming soon)
Meet the people who developed Sister Care and those trained to present it, and take a closer look at the Sister Care curriculum areas.