Choosing Sisterhood

This Master Class is a small group facilitation to help women’s group identify their gifts and shadows. Our shadows are the spaces in our lives that require us to examine ourselves; our fears and assumptions that keep us in our closed circles.
Choosing Sisterhood is about creating new friendships across various divides. Finding other women different from ourselves and beginning the joy and sometime pain of getting to know each other. The Masterclass provides space for us to speak honestly about our desires, gifts, and shadows. To question who and where our new sisterhood maybe in our lives and/or communities.
Cyneatha Millsaps, Executive Director of MWUSA leads women and women’s group through the self-examination. Celebrating ourselves, our communities, and our hopes to learn and create new and lasting authentic sisterhoods.
Who are we? – look at ourselves an Anabaptist woman today
Finding our living water – where are our gifts and how do they bring us joy
Our Shadows – power/privilege and comfortability
Where is God pointing us? – Where are our potential sisters, and how do we connect?
For more information or to schedule a class in person or by zoom, contact MWUSA at